Friday, February 15, 2008

How It's Going

Okay, I think my grace period for jet lag, new baby, sibling rivalry, etc. is about up. Time to share how we are faring after a month at home. Wow, where did that month go??? It seems like we just got home but it also feels like Ailah has always been part of our life.

I'm wishing I'd posted earlier because Ailah is changing so quickly, I almost can't remember what she was and wasn't able to do when we first arrived. I'm in awe of the speed with which she is catching up developmentally with her calendar age. It is amazing what love, attention, good food and trying to keep up with a big sister can do for a kid. She is changing so fast.

When we first arrived home, Mara and Ailah were, shall we say, less than pleased with the existence of one another. Mara was ready and waiting for this little sister with (mostly) a heart full of love. However, she was ready to love on Ailah, not be smacked up side the head whenever she came near. Ailah, our heretofore mild, sweet, gentle little girl, went into WWE mode whenever Mara came within reach. (Okay, so it never occurred to us that she might think she was an only child after less than two weeks with us in China. Apparently the photo album with pictures of Mara with me and Jeff didn't click for her.) It turned into an all out turf war for Mom's lap and by the end of the first weekend home, I was even more exhausted than the day we arrived home. Ailah would shout "aiiiiiii" as soon as Mara came within 3 feet of me, whether or not she was in my lap and Mara would run to jump in my lap whenever it looked as if Ailah was going to visit with me for a few minutes. Did you know that you can love a child dearly and still not like them very much at the same time? Well, I can.

Fortunately, the majority of that behavior has disappeared though it does rear it's ugly head from time to time. The girls still aren't too much into playing with one another but they are working on it. Especially when Mom says, "Mara go play with your sister, she's bored and I'm tired."

This has been sitting in my draft file for a month! I originally wrote it on Feb. 15! I'd say I'm not going to get any more added on, so I'll post it as is, with the original date. Typical for our busy life now, my time is not my own and blogging is catch as catch can.

A Word of Thanks

I've described our trip from start to finish and before I move on to how our life at home is progressing I want to thank everyone in our circle of friends and family that made it possible for us to get to China and back with relative ease. So many people stepped up with a willing spirit to cover for us in 100 ways both small and large in every area of our life. We've had meals provided before and after to save us energy and time as we prepared and recovered. Legal documents we thought of at the last minute were hurriedly prepared by the capable minds at Tom's firm. Our three girls put up with our scattered minds and attention during their last days of Christmas vacation not to mention dozens of last minute errands and shopping trips often done by them. Katelynn and Nikki (mostly Nikki) cared for Mara on weekends and before classes resumed, giving her a chance to be at home in her own comfort zone. The Collins family took on the care and feeding of Mara the rest of the time, which was not an easy task as she dealt with two weeks without Mom and Dad. They did a wonderful job of quelling her concerns and fears and providing a secure home during our absence. Grandma and Grandpa provided respite when Mara desired a change of scenery and a bit of spoiling. Dozens of people were praying for us as we dealt with Ailah's possible health issues, prepared for travel, wandered the streets of Guanzhou, and flew thousands of miles home with a cranky child. God has been gracious and here we are at home with our two beautiful little girls, settling in for the long haul. We are so very blessed. Thank you to everyone for all you have done for us, we are humbled by your caring hearts.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Welcome Home!

Waiting for us slowpokes to get to the terminal.

So good to see everyone waiting!

Mara made me so happy by rushing into my arms! All is forgiven.

Meeting mei mei at last!

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Katy tries to get a smile out of a shy sister.

I missed my dad!!!!

I was never so glad to be home!

Stealing a kiss.
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Lucky me, I got a hug from Loe! And the only picture of Lisa at the airport!

Ailah held still for a forehead kiss from Loe.

Knuckle noogies for Trevor. What the heck is this thing?
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