Monday, January 14, 2008

Gotcha Day!

Finally!!! It was a long, long day waiting for 4:00 p.m. to roll around but it finally came and we are now a family of 6! We left the White Swan for the provincial civil affairs office at 3:15 and arrived there 20 minutes later. We made our way to the 9th floor via several elevator trips (there are 41 people in the travel group,) where we waited an excruciatingly long time for our babies to be handed out. Two families had little boys that came from different orphanages and they joined their families first. Then finally they began to bring out our Lianjiang girls. It was kind of a chaotic scene with people rushing to take pictures of each family as they were united with their child. We were the 8th family to receive our daughter. What a difference from Mara's gotcha day when we were the first to receive a screaming child at the 11th position in line. Ailah came quietly to me, allowed several pictures and kisses and then snuggled in comfortably. She didn't cry or whimper the rest of the time we were at the office or on the bus home, a good 2.5 hours. I think she was the only one. We always have to be different.

At the office we were given the opportunity to talk to Ailah's two nannies via our CCAI rep's translating. We had the presence of mind this time to write down several questions and they gave us answers to each. And they shared the news with us that since our last update Ailah has started to walk. They were emphatic that we understand she just started and that she needs practice. Good enough! They told us that she is a "very good and happy baby so all the nannies like her." She "not make trouble." COOL!! They said she is "smart baby" but then I'm pretty sure they say that to every parent. They told us she is done with her Vitamin D and Calcium treatments so we don't have to deal with that though we will be sure to follow up with the IA clinic when we get home. They did give us the X-rays that were taken of her wrist per our request a few weeks ago. (I think I forgot to post that we received an update the night we got to Hong Kong. The reports on the blood tests were gibberish to us but the x-ray had the word "normal" among its accompanying medical lingo. Whew!) So after giving our gifts and taking pictures with the nannies and the SWI director we left the office and came back to the hotel.

Ailah finally began to respond somewhat on the bus and played a little game with me and a tiny rattly bear I'd brought for her. She would hand it to me and wait for me to shake it, then take it back from me. This went on for several minutes between breaks to stare at things that intermittently caught her attention outside the bus window. She is extremely aware of things going on around her and strains to see what is making a sound nearby.

We're still not sure she cries. She whimpered as she was trying to fall asleep and couldn't get comfortable. I think she was starting to full out cry when I attempted to put her in the crib to stretch out but I picked her up before she did. A quiet, snuggly baby. I don't think she could be much more opposite Mara. We'll see what happens as she gets more comfortable with us. I finally had to hand her over to Jeff to put her to sleep. That is typical for all of our girls. I guess I'm just not the putting to sleep type. Fortunately, she seems happy enough for either of us to hold her though I'm pretty sure she likes me best. ;-)

Katy, Nikki and Mara you'll enjoy this. You know that Dad had to try giving her kisses on her cheek. She allowed the first few and then began to back away each time he tried. Poor Dad! They learn so quickly.

Well, I'm dead tired, Ailah is asleep in her crib and we have to get moving fairly early tomorrow. So after I post a few pictures I'll quit for now. What a happy, happy day and thank you God for this beautiful child. We can't wait to get to know her better.


Blogger Ken and Mystina said...

Congratulations Stoll Family!!! So happy that you are finally all together. Can't wait to see the pictures.

Blessings to all,
Ken, Mysitna, Micah and Olivia

Monday, 14 January, 2008  

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