One person has received a referral today. Not a CCAI person. How can it be only one?? Nobody else has gotten a call, or at least they haven't reported it on RQ. (Wow, are there adoptive parents out there that still don't check in daily?)
From CCAI we hear:
No packages today, however we continue to think tomorrow may be the day we receive packages. We then take the day to translate all match information and then verify with our staff in China that all children matched continue to be healthy and available for adoption. With the time changes, we will not have verification from China until Friday am. We will have a match meeting with staff Friday morning if matches come Thursday and hope to be starting to call just around 10 am MST. Feel free to check with us again tomorrow mid-morning to see if packages are here!!! Hope you get some sleep tonight!
I have always appreciated that CCAI is so responsible and wants to translate and check for problems before they call but right now I'm finding their responsible attitude frustrating indeed! I knew this would make it really hard when it came time for referrals, but it is even harder than I thought. Lord, give me patience and please make that package get to CCAI tomorrow cause I just don't think I can wait through the weekend. So close, so close and yet so far away. (I always hated that song.)
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