Are We Almost There?
Wow, this month is going by just about as slowly as time can creep. I thought with Thanksgiving and Black Friday and all the "special projects" I had lined up that it would fly by. In reality it has seemed slower than normal. We still have over a week before we can really expect to see our referral. But I know that when I'm sitting here a year from now talking about Thanksgiving 2008, it will seem impossible another year has escaped us so quickly.
Meanwhile, what have we been doing? Last weekend we all went to the Denver Museum to see the Titanic Artifacts "special exhibit" and to shop for Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. The show was interesting and Mara loved viewing the dinosaur, space and gemstones exhibits afterwards. It was a fun family time.
This week was, of course, Thanksgiving and I was very thankful to have all of my wonderful family surrounding me. Nikki had the entire week off so she's been home since last Friday. Katelynn and Jeff had Thursday and Friday off and Mara and I are always off, so we're enjoying a nice long weekend together. Mom and Lyle hosted a great Thanksgiving dinner and we were joined by Michael and Aunt Marilyn. As always, I am most thankful to have been given the blessing of beautiful children and a wonderful husband. I just couldn't love them more.
Yesterday Jeff and Katy got up in the pre-dawn hours to hit sales at stores which shall remain nameless for items that shall remain nameless until December 25. (Don't want to give away any secrets, just in case any gift recipients are reading this.) Then we all headed to Denver to Colorado Mills to do our annual Christmas shopping extravaganza. The mall was not at all crowded and we had a very relaxing time shopping together. We completed the evening with dinner at the Black-Eyed Pea--one of our favorite restaurants--on our way home. A good time was had by all.
I've had two ongoing projects over the last month. First I determined that I would get all of my cabinetry cleaned out and reorganized before we travel. I've completed our bathroom and all but two kitchen cabinets. I only have those two and Mara's bathroom (only a few cabinets) to go. They are tidy and spic and span, and we have 4 new boxes of stuff for garage sale. (Or the ARC, depending on our mood come spring.) I've also been working on the 100 Wishes Quilts for Mara and Ilah. To my astonishment, it has gone much more quickly than I imagined. I originally hoped to get Mara's done before we leave but if I push myself just a little, I think I can probably get both done. Because I've been waiting for those "I'm sorry but they are on their way now" squares, I decided to get as much done on Ilah's as possible while waiting for the last few of Mara's squares. All the "construction" of Mara's squares that I've received is complete, I just have to actually put the thing together. My goal is to be able to include a picture of Mara's quilt in our Christmas newsletter so you can all see to what you have contributed. Thanks for everyone who joined into this with me. Our girls will be greatly blessed for years to come when they read all the wonderful thoughts people have sent.
I'm hoping that the next time I post it will be to show off our newest addition. We should have referral in less than two weeks! We just can't wait!! Check in soon for news!
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