Rumors At Last!
It was beginning to feel like rumors would never happen this month. But today when I checked into Rumor Queen's blog--my first mouse click each morning these days--there was finally a rumor concerning cutoff dates. Not that we need to worry about that, since we will be in this time, but it was a rumor. And where there are rumors, referrals are not far behind.
CCAI, our agency, has posted this evening that they believe matches are being made now. That means that at this moment, approximately 11 a.m. Thursday Nov. 29th in Beijing, someone could be matching our dossier to Ilah's file. That kind of gives me goosebumps. I'm hoping it also means that they are very close to shipping those referral packets around the world. I really hope we'll see her picture early next week. I'm hoping for Monday or Tuesday but I'll be happy with any day next week. Oh who am I kidding, I'll be happy whenever it shows up. I just can't believe it is FINALLY our turn!!
Well, Mara is waiting for me to read her a story and get her tucked into bed so I'll end for now. I just had to share my excitement. Here's hoping that next week at this time, we'll know who our child is, how old she is and where she is. We already know that God has chosen her because she is the perfect fit for our family. I just can't wait to see what she looks like!!
Laurie I am so EXCITED for you!!! I am watching your blog and I can not wait to send our congratulations to you.
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