Same Ol' Routine
Well, well, well. What a difference 3 and a half months can make. But not always. Remember that prediction I made the last time I bothered to check in on my blog? The one that said we thought we'd see a referral in May or June. Yeah, well, scratch that. Obviously. It's June and guess what? We're still looking at 4 or 5 more months until referral. It is absolutely unbelievable but China managed to slow down even more. We're hoping they have hit their low, with only 2 days worth of referrals in April, but for May and June we're seeing only 5 or 6 day batches. So even though they are matching early November '05 LID's and ours is early December '05, we could likely be waiting until November or December to see our referral. Just think, if they decided to stick with the 2 day referral batches, we'd be looking at another 16 months. Ooooh, let's not go there.
But there is one difference from my last post. The snow finally melted. And it has stopped snowing for this season. I think. I'm still waiting for summer, or even spring weather, however. We've had a few beautiful days this spring, but not as many as I'd like to see. We are now experiencing cool temperatures and lots of rain. I know, I know, we need the moisture. Whatever! I truly hate that line. And we don't. We have a swamp in our backyard. I remember the last 5 or 6 years when we've had mild winters and coolish springs and I've been told, "well we had such a warm winter we can't really complain." So okay, I guess that means this year I am allowed to complain, right? I want my warm, dry weather!! That's why I live in Colorado! Boy, am I grouchy today or what?
So since I last checked in, we have received our new I-171H. Then we received the news that come July 30 the USCIS somehow will finally find it within themselves, without an act of Congress mind you, to allow one 18-month renewal of the old I-171H at no cost, with no hassle. AUGH!!
Oh, that reminds me, I do need to send a copy of the aforementioned, very expensive, document to our oh-so-attentive agency. They apparently haven't figured out that we are more than done with the renewal process, since they sent me a notice yesterday that we shouldn't send the USCIS money if we haven't already. Uh, hello, you mailed it for us 4 months ago. They also kindly invited me to turn in pictures of my child so she would have a gnat's chance of being put on a calendar which I'd then be invited to purchase to raise funds for, uh, something. (Would Mara get a cut?) Probably the same something financed by the outrageous fees charged to attend the agency "reunion picnic." Said fees do NOT include actual food, which the term picnic would sort of indicate IS the event. We won't be contributing, either way. I think we have given enough blood, er money, to the agency, thank you very much. When I once again begin to receive some value for the money, I'll rethink this. Strange how an entity that performed so well on a short term basis has such a hard time keeping up the relationship when they are stuck with us for the long haul. I can't even imagine how they treat the people who actually call and complain to them about the wait. Maybe they actually get some response. Squeaky wheel and all that. Whoo, I am grouchy today!!
Let's see if I can come up with something more positive. Hmmm. Nikki is home for the summer. That is very nice. We are enjoying her company thoroughly though I feel badly for her that she hasn't found a job yet. (This is NOT for lack of trying.) Katelynn made it through the first section of her CPA exam, but won't know until July if she passed. Mara is blossoming daily. I keep thinking she couldn't become any more charming and then she does. She keeps joy flowing daily for her mother. I love my girls, they are so great!
I've seen two of the big three third movies and won't be bothering with the third of the thirds. Last weekend my big girls and I went to see Shrek the Third. We laughed a lot and since that is the point of Shrek, I feel it succeeded. Last night Jeff, Nikki and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean; At World's End. (I think I have that right--you know what I mean.) While I would have been completely lost had I not reviewed the second Pirates yesterday afternoon, I still enjoyed it. Two complaints only. A) The sword fights were altogether too long and tedious. B) I believe both the second and third movies should have been able to stand alone even if they wanted to play off of each other for texture.
Nikki turned 19 on the 19th of May. Who knew that was her "Golden Birthday?" I thought, "hey cool, she's 19 on the 19th," but until 3 days later I didn't know there was a term for this phenomena. Sorry we missed it Nikki but we still love you just as much. I had a birthday the same day. Do I really need to say how old I am? Suffice it to say, my golden birthday was a really long time ago.
So the Sgt. Pepper album came out 40 years ago yesterday. Hence it has been 60 years since Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play. One more reminder that I am getting terribly old. I remember this event very clearly. (The album coming out, not Sgt. Pepper teaching the band to play.) Just a question on the music front. How did we get from that quality of music to Rap/Hip Hop? I am flummoxed at this. And also at the sheer staying power of Rap. I keep waiting for it to get old and go away. It doesn't evolve, grow or change, unless you count getting more and more foul lyrically each year, but still it goes on and on and on and on. . . And they threatened disco would never die. As a die hard hater of all things disco, it is hard to believe this thought could even come to mind, but it's true. I'd gladly trade Rap/Hip Hop for another 5 years of Disco.
Well, enough whining. I feel much better after unloading, so off to more interesting pursuits than talking to the internet. Maybe next time I show up I'll have some good news. Maybe.