Making the House a Home
We spent all day Saturday moving Katelynn into her new house. Well, all day included a leisurely breakfast at Gunther Toody's, and a very late lunch/early dinner at Chick-fil-A afterwards. I was so busy keeping Ailah out of the path of movers that I failed to take pictures of the actual unloading. I wasn't present for the loading of the truck so you'll just have to take my word for it that we actually did manage to get all the stuff from Katelynn's apartment into her house. Jan and Merle generously gave up their Saturday to help get the move done in record time.
Wow, what a job! We didn't think it would take too long to load one small apartment's stuff into a U-Haul and move it across town. However, U-Haul's web reservation system is apparently a mess, so when they showed up to get the truck, a few blocks from the house, they didn't have one. (Despite the fact that they had confirmed the reservation the night before.) Long story short, they ended up picking up a truck in downtown Denver almost two hours later. Which meant last night it had to be returned to downtown Denver! Augh! But even with all that, it was a relatively short day moving, compared to the dawn to dusk jobs our last few moves have been. (I'm not sure I like what that says about the amount of junk Jeff and I have collected over the years.)
The little girls and I stayed at the house cleaning. Well, I cleaned, Mara and Ailah played with every toy I'd brought, depleted all the bubbles and silly string that Katelynn had brought, ate numerous snacks and watched two movies. Although, Ailah doesn't watch movies, so she just unpacked bags of stuff Katelynn had dropped off earlier. You know, doing her share. Despite numerous interruptions, I managed to get the kitchen, two baths and miscellaneous small jobs finished, like getting a ton of dirt out of window tracks and nasty dog slobber off the back storm door. Yuck! But I figured Katy would feel bad if she didn't get to do some of the cleaning herself, so I left the rest for her.
Katelynn's house is pretty neat! It is unbelievable how much space she has, compared to her apartment. Well, about 4 times as much. Last weekend, she and Jeff shopped out a used washer and dryer and a huge freezer, also used. Those were delivered while they worked on other odd jobs. Last night Jeff put in an outlet for the freezer, so she is all set. There are plenty of cosmetic things she'd like to do like bathroom updates, some painting and new windows, but otherwise it is a quite sound and pleasant house.
Today, we are just going to relax and enjoy being settled into our house. Have fun unpacking, Kate!
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