Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Passports Are Us

This morning we were able to spend a nice relaxed morning which meant a nice slow breakfast during which Ailah tried as many new foods as we put in front of her. Her favorite was bacon because if we tore off a strip from one edge for her it was a two for one treat, food and a toy. When she discovered the tater tots she was in heaven. I think we've got another spud-lover. It took her over an hour to try it all and get her fill. While I was waiting I ate some french toast in honor of Lisa but couldn't find the jelly croissants, Hunter. I'll check again tomorrow, we got there a little late.

This afternoon we and the other 48 Guangdong families descended upon the local police station to apply for passports for our kids. I find it a little inexplicable that we are all traveling in a pack instead of things being stretched out to create less havoc and stress on the babies. But I've failed to understand the Chinese system since we started the process for Mara 4+ years ago. On the more worrisome side of this situation, we were informed today that one of the babies in this enormous traveling sideshow has contracted Chicken Pox. It isn't a child from our immediate travel group or from Ailah's SWI, but still, we've been in the same confined places together for the last 3 days.

Tonight the travel group went out to dinner at the Chinese restaurant down the street. Despite walking past aquariums and tubs of fish, eels, grubworms and dozens of other creatures I'm not sure God designed for human consumption, the most exotic thing we were served was bean curd. (Again, sorry Hunter.) Ailah loved it along with the rice and eggplant. I think she's really liking the new foods concept. Hope she gets her fill of the bean curd while we're here because I won't be cooking that at home.

Finally, we gave Ailah her first real bath tonight. We'd been just cleaning her up until she settled in before traumatizing her with a full-fledged bath, per our reps suggestion. But tonight we just couldn't take it anymore, she was just too grubby. She did fairly well, though she wasn't crazy about it. She enjoyed the aftermath of lotion and haircombing much more. She got hold of the comb and turned it into a toy. It is becoming routine to retrieve items from her crib after she finally falls asleep.

I find I'm getting tired earlier and earlier each evening, despite Ailah allowing us to sleep through the night. I think it may have something to do with sleeping poorly in the brick bed. I finally found out they will bring a sort of "feather mattress topper" upon request. I'm looking forward to a little less struggle tonight. I'll let those of you waiting for travel how it goes. This may be the answer Janice!

Anyway, I'm going to bed NOW! I need some sleep.


Blogger Lisa said...

Definitely let us know how the feather mattress topper works out! :) Fun that Ailah is trying all sorts of new foods!

I tried to send an e-mail with pictures from the day last night and it tells me the MSN picture program is down - so I'll keep trying today so hopefully it will be there when you wake up in the morning.

For some reason the girls woke up early - I think they heard Trev & Chase getting ready for work. We've introduced Mara to The Upside Down Show - I think I'll go grab a shower while they are snuggled up on the couch with blankets.

We'll pray against the chicken pox!

Wednesday, 16 January, 2008  
Blogger Linda said...

I'm not sure what bean curd actually looks or tastes like, but I made the same statement as you did when Bob told me that Joanna liked eels in spicy sauce. (Sorry, honey, mom doesn't have that recipe!)

When we got Abby, she was so dirty that it literally took 1-2 months before I really felt that she was clean. One of my doctors said when kids are that dirty, they actually have to defoliate. I believe it!

Wednesday, 16 January, 2008  
Blogger Ken and Mystina said...

I will be praying that the Chicken Pox doesn't spread through the rest of the group and little Ailah stays healthy. I know that would be really tough. So glad to hear that she is eating good for you. I remember that White Swan buffet well! I wanted to eat their breakfast for every meal!

Prayers for you all,

Thursday, 17 January, 2008  

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