Monday, January 21, 2008

Our Beautiful Girl

If I knew how to type that noise you girls do for cute, that would be the caption.


Blogger Lisa said...

The picture isn't showing up. Not sure if it's on my end or yours. I'll check again later and see if it's there.

We enjoyed dinner and visiting with all 3 (of the 4!) girls last night!

Your mom requested that I drop Mara off at 2 this afternoon. So, we'll look forward to talking to you guys on Tuesday afternoon.

Have fun tomorrow!

Monday, 21 January, 2008  
Blogger Linda said...

Try sending the picture of Ailah again, Laurie - it didn't upload. She is so cute that I can't wait to see her in person!

Monday, 21 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Laurie-
Since you are having quiet days, could you, if you have time while out on Shaiman Is, buy a pair or two of maryjane squeaky shoes for ShanShan? If you run out of time, then don't worry at all... I'll have Lisa do it!! I actually meant to ask before you left but didn't with the holidays and all. I do have a maryjane pair, bought at Sherry's or Jennifer's or ? that she still wears from her adoption trip that say size 23 inside. Any size above that would be fine, and any color would be fine with her. If you don't get to it, don't think twice about it... thanks...
Lori Smith

Monday, 21 January, 2008  

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