Saturday, December 23, 2006

What a Day!

I know, I know--two posts in three days! What's this blog coming to? But we had a great day yesterday that deserves a post all it's own. Katelynn and her cousin, Michael, both graduated from the University of Colorado!! Woo Hoo! Congratulations, Katy and Michael!

We can hardly believe we are the proud parents of a college graduate! Once again I'm asking myself, where has the time gone? I don't think it has really soaked in on any of us that every vestige of being a "kid" is gone. Katelynn (that name we gave her for her adult years--Katy was the "little girl" name,) must set out on her own adult path, a path which, for the first time in her life, has no set course, no map, no "this is what you do next" agenda. What a strange and disconcerting thought. But yet very exciting.

Now, even as I've said that, Katelynn has already not only considered that fact, but taken action to remedy an agenda-less path. She has been job hunting since October. Granted, this is in part because the accounting program at CU provided an entire recruiting program and how silly would it have been to ignore that? But it is also because Katelynn is a person who can't stand the thought of not having all her loose ends tied up. How can one go into a post-graduate world without a paycheck on the horizon? The college recruitment program did not end up providing a job, but that didn't stop Katy. She did some networking with profs and relatives (those uncles come in darned handy for this type of thing,) did some internet searching, mailed and e-mailed dozens of resumes and came up with another batch of interviews and, tada, some offers as well! The best offer appears to be the last which she received yesterday just after graduation. Guess that firm wanted to make sure she was officially a legitimate accountant.

So as we look forward to Christmas, Katelynn is thinking of all she has to do immediately following the holiday. First, accept a job offer. Then on the 26th she heads for St. Louis for the Urbana Missions Conference, an event she has been looking greatly forward to over the last few months. Immediately upon her return, no matter which offer she accepts, she will have to start apartment shopping, car shopping and packing for the move. A week later she will start whichever job she has chosen and, voila, she will have embarked upon her adult life with all the excitement and perils that includes. Right now we are praying, praying and praying some more for wisdom for Katy as she makes this very huge decision about which career path to take. And praising him for the opportunity.

Thank you God for all of your many blessings and your caring for each of us in such a personal way. Thank you for this Christmas holiday and for sending your son to save us. And thank you for the children you have given us and the joy they bring to our lives and home. We are a very blessed family and, in Mara's words, I'm a "blessed mama."


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