Wednesday, December 13, 2006

This Is Getting Ridiculous

I think I've surpassed my own record with this two month break from blogging. As I've said, blogging is just not my cup of tea. But since the point is to have a record of our wait for our next daughter, I should really be better at keeping up. As I signed on I realized I have managed to miss a few holidays, some treasured Christmas traditions and the one-year anniversary of our LID. (Dossier log-in-date.) So let's see here.

First of all, the wait. It goes on. About all I can say about the adoption is that if referrals continue to come in at the speed they've been coming in recent months, we can expect a referral this coming April or May. This means that we now expect the wait from this point on to be about as long as we thought it would be a year ago. Or in other words, this has taken a full year longer than we originally anticipated. We are a bit concerned that we may be in China at the same time the rest of the family is enjoying the family reunion. Bummer. But at this point I am so glad to be able to vaguely see the light at the end of the tunnel that I will try not to complain. Please pray for our daughter in China who continues to sit in an orphanage without a family as we continue to anxiously wait to take her into our arms. And this is only one of thousands of babies that need families and families waiting for their children. I cannot understand how the CCAA can bring themselves to purposely slow down this procedure as they have, but does anyone really understand anything about the Chinese government? Well, okay, do we really understand any government? We're praying the process will speed back up, not for us, but for the sake of the children.

Halloween. Yep, a really long time ago! But I have to recount that Mara had a very good time wearing her Panda costume that we purchased in China just for this purpose. She was as cute as they come and wins the prize for the first Stoll child in 20 years of trick-or-treating to have a costume warm enough to wear without a coat. Because it was very cold and the crowds were small, she came home with piles of candy, most of which is still sitting in the pantry now. Mara is not a candy connoisseur. (Though I think the rest of us have helped to clean out most of the "good stuff.") Maybe it is time to toss it out in anticipation of stocking treats.

We were blessed to spend Thanksgiving with extended family at Aunt Jean and Uncle Bill's house in Longmont. It was a great time of catching up with James and getting to know his new wife Dawna and her daughter Elizabeth. We also enjoyed the company of Michael who couldn't travel to Tucson with his folks and Aunt Marilyn who provided the third grandma component for Mara who loves those great aunts. As we tucked Mara into bed that night her prayer included thanks for her aunts who are "so much fun." Not only was the dinner delicious but it was a warm, comfy, traditional day to thank God for our many blessings. Best of all, the holiday came complete with an entire week of Nikki being home to visit.

Of course, the day after Thanksgiving was our traditional kickoff for the Christmas season with our Black Friday shopping. As usual we got a late start but still managed to get some great bargains before the day was out. Since I was still recovering from my surgery, (oh yeah, forgot to blog that I had major surgery on Nov. 7th, but I don't care to go into those nasty details,)much of my day was spent sitting in various stores or malls doing lots of people watching. Mara loved this--she got to spend 2 hours playing in the play area at the Aurora Town Center since the shopping had long since become boring for her. The only emergency situation was when she tripped and bumped her head. Another kind mother had picked her up as I made my way through dozens of screaming, running children to her side. When she tried to hand her to me I had to beg off (I'm not supposed to pick up anything heavy until next week,) and ask her to just set Mara down so she could walk to the seating area with me. I'm sure I was fodder for their family conversation that evening. We ended our evening with the traditional dinner out, this year at Macaroni Grill. The food was delicious and the waiter quite charming, but unfortunately, the restaurant was FREEZING. Even the hostess was shivering. I will never understand why places of business and churches insist on keeping the thermostat at 65 degrees or below year-round no matter what the outside temperature. Am I the only person in the country that is freezing year-round when I go anywhere but my own home? But I'm pretty sure this hit a new low for a restaurant and couldn't have been over 60 degrees with an outside temperature of around 20.

On December 4 we once again attended the Air Force Academy Band Christmas concert at the Union Colony Civic Center. We love this event. Not only is it extremely well-executed but they always perform true Christmas songs that share the true message of Christmas as well as a few patriotic numbers that make one proud to be an American. Mara's courage has grown immensely in the past year. Immediately following the invitation for the children to join them on stage for a story time and a visit from Santa, Mara jumped out of her seat and without a "by your leave," was scurrying between legs and seat backs in a race to the stage.

Katelynn and I have had the opportunity for a few Christmas activities together. On the 2nd we did a shift at the church gift-wrapping booth at the Greeley Mall. Each year our church provides free gift-wrapping with no strings attached as way to "show God's love in a practical way." We picked the right time to be there. We wrapped just enough gifts to stay busy but it wasn't crazy enough to have to rush. I enjoyed the opportunity to visit with those we were helping.

Then last Sunday Katy and I enjoyed a wonderful "High Tea" at our church. The church had been decorated beautifully and the tables were each uniquely set by the table's hostess. The speaker, Sheri Rose Shepherd, was excellent, providing some good laughs and some hard truths at the same time. It was very fun to have an adult daughter to take with me.

So the Christmas season is off and running. I have most of the shopping done, which is amazing in itself, and everything shipped as needed. (Thank you, Amazon!) Now we need to get started on wrapping and baking, but those things are much more relaxing and fun, especially when there is time to do it without rushing.

After almost 3 months of job hunting, it looks like Katelynn at last has the job she wants. She just got an e-mail last night inviting her to come in and discuss specifics of "the offer." This has been a roller coaster emotionally, at least for me. Lots of ups and downs, hopes and dashing of hopes, but a real learning experience for Katelynn. Of course, now that she is an "expert" at searching and interviewing, she hopes to never have to do it again. We are praying that all the details fall in place and that come the first of the year she is hard at work in her brand new office. (Not a cubicle!)

Of course, before she can start a new job she has to get that college degree. And so next Thursday evening, Dec. 21, she will officially graduate from the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado. (Well, okay, she'll officially graduate from the University on Friday morning but none of us will be attending that ceremony.) Congratulations on the graduation and the job, Katelynn! We're so proud of you!! Let the car, apartment and kitten shopping begin. (I think this is what she's really been waiting for.)

Sadly, on the same evening is Nikki's IB Diploma ceremony at Greeley West H.S. Since the kids don't know if they've earned their IB Diploma in the spring, they cannot celebrate this accomplishment at that time. So at Greeley West there is a special ceremony held for the students that have earned the diploma the December following graduation. Since they have to wait for all the students to return home for break, and since CU ends so late, the ceremony is also very late this year. Just figures this is the year Katelynn graduates and we had to choose between the two. Nikki very graciously insisted Jeff and I go to Katelynn's ceremony as it is, after all, her college graduation. Grandma and Grandpa will stand in for us at Nikki's ceremony. Even though we can't be there, Nikki, we are VERY proud of you! We know just how much work and commitment this represents. (Believe me, we know!)

Well, life is moving on around me, and on me for that matter. Mara is getting tired of waiting for me to quit typing. At this very moment a tiny cowboy is battling a tiny tiger on my right arm. I guess I better quit and get on with living. I know I need to be doing this more often so it doesn't take so long. Meanwhile, I'll try to get some photos of all these events posted a bit later. If I don't manage to get back here before the holiday, Merry Christmas to all!


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